Marco Fumagalli - The earthquake of western Sichuan
The lunar nodes
Till now, we don’t have paid a great attention to the nodes of the Moon, but their part is not lacking in this earthquake. The South Node, Cauda, in its retrograde motion from the eclipse1, is almost crossing the whole zone , from 16° Virgo up to 23° Leo, where it meets the Moon the very day of the earthquake. The Moon in fact passes under the ecliptic exactly during the earthquake: on May 12 its latitude at 2.28 pm is +0°0' 24 " and 8 minutes later it becomes negative.
8. The motion in latitude of the Moon the day of the earthquake, every 4 hours In its retrograde path through the image of the Lion, the South Node makes many encounters: in the New Moon of Spring, it is on Saturn of the eclipse2, while the Moon is on the ascending node of the eclipse1; in the spring equinoxe, it is on the opposition of Mercury of the eclipse1, while Mercury is on the ascending node of the eclipse2; in the two syzygies which precede the earthquake it is close to the opposition of Mercury of the New Moon of Spring. |