Marco Fumagalli - The earthquake of western Sichuan
The ingress and the syzygies
The earthquake occurred in Spring, thus we have to observe the ingress of the Sun in Aries and the syzygy preceding it. The two other syzygies which preceded the event itself will also be studied [21]. In the spring New Moon of March 7 2008, the two zones and appear both in two angles, respectively the MC and the Western angle. The luminaries are perfectly conjuncting the IC at 17°31’ Pisces, together with the Aqua of Aquarius. Saturn, retrograde, has passed by transit the upper culmination and is opposing the Sun with a rather wide orb, coming back on the degree of the Sun of the eclipse2. Mercury enters again zone with its diameter, while being opposed with precision to the places where Saturn stood in the first two eclipses. In the Ingress of the Sun in Aries, we see two important facts: Andromeda's culmination at the MC (while Pollux is rising at the Horoscope) and the return of the Moon to the place of the eclipse1. Moreover, Mercury conjuncts Venus, conjuncts also the horoscope of the eclipse1 and is opposing the Moon and Saturn, entering again with its diameter into the zone . Mars, very high by declination, is squaring the Sun. 4. Diagram of the reminders in the spring New Moon and in the Ingress Let’s now examine the two syzygies that precede the earthquake. In thel Full Moon of April 20, 2008, the luminaries are angular and Mars culminates at the MC with Castor. The Moon, in the first house, has the declination of Sirius, opposite to the one of Aldebaran and of Saturn in the first two eclipses. The Sun is with Andromeda, and takes Mercury under its rays. All the planets observe the Sun, but above all Saturn, with a precise trine. Venus, which rules the Sun and the horoscope, is on the western horizon, forming a mundane square with Mars, lord of the Moon and of the Western angle. Jupiter at the IC is opposing Mars which culminates, thus reversing their position in the eclipse 2. But Jupiter does not get stuck only with regard to the angles: in the eclipse, it was indeed the lord of the eclipse in its own sign, now, conversely, it is in its fall in Capricorn and, on that day, its latitude is going down under the ecliptic. Its position in the eighth sphere lies in the feet of Sagittarius with Rukbat Alrami, nature Jupiter- Saturn [22]. 5. Diagram of the reminders in the two syzygies preceding the earthquake In the New Moon of May 5 2008, seven days before the earthquake, the two zones and become angular again: 0°41 Virgo culminates at the MC with Regulus and Saturn in its station [23]; the degree which was setting at the solar eclipse is rising at the horoscope. Mercury, in the seventh, between the Pleiades and Aldebaran, is observed by Saturn by means of a square in the zodiac. Its declination is very high and close to the one of Mars which is still opposing Jupiter. The Sun has now the declination of Aldebaran and Saturn in the first two eclipses and is opposing the one of Sirius; Mercury observes them through a very strict mundane parallel. [21] Two eclipses of Moon and one of the Sun being involved, we can expect the harmful event to be announced either from the Full Moon or from the New Moon, although the greater damage in this case is, without any doubt, in the lunar figures. In the predictive analysis, it would be a good rule in any case to observe all the syzygies of the whole year. [22] About the harmful nature of Rukbat Alrami, α Sagittarii, see n. 20. About its position on the figures and its luminosity, see [23] The second station of Saturn occurred on the third of May and the planet is still almost stopped: its daily speed is only 18” in longitude. |